Saturday, August 25, 2007


I've just finished my exams, and to be honest, I was literally pawned by the exam questions.

3 tests in a row for 3 days, now that ain't good for my beauty sleep. I already have pimples popping out on my forehead!! :(

I can imagine the horrors I would face once my mid term break is over. As I trod reluctantly into the classes, there I would face judgement.

Whether I will fail miserably, or just barely survive the First Test predicament, It's up to the Lecturers themselves to decide. I am sincerely hoping for the latter. My parents are already disappointed when I told them I'm owned by the papers.

Just imagine the 3 lecturers gathering in a mamak stall, congratulating one another for a job well done for taking down students who dont' pay attention in their classes through their test.

My future is in your hands Associate Professors!! I beg thee, I shall pay attention in class! I swear to myself that I won't do anything severe behind your back! ><

Though the voice imitation can never be stopped. It's just too amusing.

I still can't believe that the mid term break starts tomorrow! How time flies!! It won't be long though before the finals loom. :(

Anyone wanna hear Pakistani imitation? Just find me on MSN :p

Shin reporting in from House Behind Minlon, Serdang

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