Monday, June 13, 2005

still a caged bird

Physics is gone~~!!! literally gone!!!
no.. not the marks this time... but for this bloody foundation programme~! XD

managed to pull through some lame remarks in the papers... hopefully all of them sound logical enough for my lecturer to pass them... overall.. the paper isn't that bad... might screwed a few questions though... -.-"

another big load is coming up... the dreaded calculus... now i'm with low carry marks... it takes more than just miracles and hardwork to go through... haih... still a caged bird... one has to suffer till all things end... and new tidings shall brew up.... eee.... seems that another 2 days time i'll be free from Foundation programme~~ as long as i get through calculus first...

b4 i get carry away... time for me to start pia'ing for calculus... me go long piak first... XD

*more pork supplies needed this time*

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