Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Would-be Adults

Fucked up lecturers? Fucking lots of assignments?? Fucking comments by some acquintance which you have no thoughts of bothering them in the first place?? Heated arguments with parents for some petty issues??

Yeah, the life of would-be adults, who are stuck in college/institutes/universities, seeking their goals, their true purpose here in this world, to be one of the specialist of Earth, to serve the motherland with their wits and brawn, in return of some handsome reward to further enrich their life, to make a living, and of course, to survive. So much of a thought, for one person alone. Depression, no doubt, shall hit upon those unfortunate souls, like me, who think too much.

Think too much... pure nonsense, no substance, heh, yeah that's me alright. So I'm not constantly in depression, though the familiar scenarios everyone face in their lives, I can't avoid that. That's the most invaluable lesson to be handed down by those people involved. Although it displeases me all the time, especially to be on the defeated side, I'm glad as well, that I've learnt a valuable lesson from the more experienced.

Enough ramblings, this means I'm on the wrong track of my life! Moving back...

If one suffers a series of depression and is looking for some songs that might be able to soothe you, then I would suggest Megadeth's A Tout Le Monde. The lyrics, though not completed, are given below. Don't worry, although Megadeth is a hardcore thrash metal band, this particular song should be labelled as 'the softest song' produced by them.

Here's the lyrics :

Don't remember where I was,
I realise life was a game.
The more serious when I took things,
the harder the rules became.
I have no idea what it caused,
my life passed before my eyes,
I found that how little I accomplished,
all my dreams denied.

So as you read this know my friends,
I'd love to stay with you all,
Please smile when you think about me,
My body's gone, that's all.

A tout le monde,
A tout mes amis,
Je vous aime,
Je dous partir,

These are the last words I'll ever speak
And they will set me free.

Always remind yourself to handle the stress properly, and never take the song's lyrics too seriously. The songs written by bands usually portrays their life, not ours. So we are to follow their paths, especially if it leads to the wrong side of our supposedly complicated lifestyle.

If listening to songs does not help reduce stress, just aim your head on the wall...
It's just one of the ways, albeit more effective. =)

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