Saturday, February 05, 2005

it's HOLidaY~~!

announcement :
a new song has been put up in this blog... song title in joy and sorrow by HIM. For the lyricsl... plz visit this website

phew...after a few weeks in Uniten without proper access to internet... plus a few days of hectic moments when it comes to exams..... finally it's all over!! muahahaaha... totally flunked my physics and soon-to-know chemistry... i got a well deserved lecture from both of my parents on our way back home --> KLANG! it's a shame that i've known my mistakes and yet i still can't change it... in order to get less lectures from parents at the same time as well as obtain better results... oh well... thus a new resolution for myself... STUDY!

the atmosphere to welcome the all-too-familiar CNY is like... plain... normal... as in... cleaning up the house wise... -.-" it's all down to the youngest member of the family to take up the respondsibility along with the 2 leaders of the family to clear up the house.... from junks to junks and junks... which sees the backyard of one's house full of JUNKS! i symphatise the ones who's rounding our backyards everyday what with the sudden amount of plastic bags full of 'goodies' for them to take away from every house...

i'm back here... for my midterm break... one week... even though it's short... (but long enough for me to forget everything i've learnt in the 1st half of this 2nd semester.... ) just enjoy it ok everyone... and bless everyone with more red packets than previous years... (including the amount inside as well) and start belanja'ing me lah for a change... :p

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