Monday, December 20, 2004

I'm ScreWed!!

it's already Monday... and i'm yet to complete my research on my title Taekwondo as self defense tool..

great genius idea which i thought of last minute to compliment with my english story telling skills thus brings out a story boring enough to make the whole class full of bread face... -.-" and a clap of 'appreciation' when the story finally came to an end... XD~

ok so that's not what exactly happened in the class... it's true that they did wanna know more bout self defense.. consider all teh recent happenigns around us... might as well arm ourselves some skills to save ourselves....

so back to my topic... now i need the materials from all over the internet to support my title... why taekwondo? how taekwondo helps? by what various ways to defend yourself with the skills learnt from taekwondo... this is what i gotta elaborate in class in future... at the moment i need all the materials to be handed in on WEDNESDAY (gasp!)

apart from giving speeches bout the benefits of taekwondo... i need visual aids as well eg: projector (powerpoint) transparencies... (which is tough) or the easiest is being the model myself... :p (yes ke'bhb'an detected once again.. but i don't seem to have much choice eh?) the problem now is that the materials on the internet are too broadly described... general... drat... not detailed enough... afraid that my lecturer will detect my clumsiness of making up points... hrrm... have to make this fail-proof for once...

btw, throughout my entire life... even though i have trained taekwondo since 9 years old and stopped at 17... i still haven't really put those skills into use.... consider myself lucky i guess... i don't to see myself facing a robber as well... will nvr know what's in their mind... stay out of trouble~ JAO LOU!

which brings back to reality i need to continue my research... will update once i'm free~!

Song of the Month : nothing else matters by Metallica

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