Friday, March 30, 2007

For Her Only

One continent away...

One ocean away...

A few blardy thousand acres of lands away...

A few blardy thousand miles apart...

So far away...


Under the sky...

We are still one...

Despite how far we are apart...

Our bodies seem to yearn for one another...

You would always be in my heart...

All the time... all the time...

Happy 21st B'day my dearest Nikki!!! Sudah tua loh!!!! Sama-sama kita jadi orang dewasa!!

May you be granted more wisdom and maturity instead of looking much older!

May your leng'ness remain the same or improve as well, though I might be asking too much here since you are already so leng!

May your chubbiness remain the same despite you keep on kau peh'ing about being teased by everyone around you, including me!

May our luck last long enough so we can go up Genting's Casino and curi Uncle Lim's fortune! xD

I would have you by my side to face whatever that lies ahead in this forsaken land. =)

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